36 Waratah Rd, Engadine NSW,2233

Phone: (02) 9548 3058

Email: [email protected]

Opening Hours: 7:00am-6:00pm

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Meet the Director

Luciana Joaquim

The Kinder Garden – Engadine

My name is Luciana and I’m so excited to be the centre Director at The Kinder Garden Engadine.

I have been in the early childhood industry for over 16 years and am very grateful to have had the opportunity to gain experience with all age groups. I have grown within the industry, starting off my career as a room assistant and progressing to room leader, 2IC, and most recently, educational leader and 2IC at The Kinder Garden Menai.

Now, being a mother of 3 young children, I can also appreciate the interdependent role between families and educators in building strong connections and relationships. I believe that educators play such an important role in not only providing a rich learning environment, but also creating a nurturing and loving atmosphere where families feel safe and confident to leave their children in their care.

Engadine Director